Friday, December 19, 2008

relationship rant

My thirteenth universal truth lead directly into the fourteenth.
When someone doesn't like you as more than a friend, be wary of allowing yourself to sink feelings of sorrow.

It's true that each of us will hurt someone else, break someone else's heart. There's no way to avoid it. Those feelings of sorrow then, are good to bear in mind. (so that you will be kinder in telling someone else that you don't like them like that - because you know how it feels)

But those feelings of sorrow are something you should never allow to get a hold on you. That feeling of sadness (regardless of whether it was caused by an uninterested guy or a messy breakup) is not your fault.

Sometimes it's easy to think the feelings of sadness are our fault -- some sort of failing in what we did or who we are. This simply is not the case. It's neither party's fault when something doesn't work out between a guy and a girl. It's simply that the two parties are in two different places in their lives... and what they want and feel they need is different than what would be possible through the combination of the two individuals.

Never let someone else make you feel that your worth is diminished. There's someone out there who will love you unendingly. Someone who will love you so intensely that not only will it make up for all the bad you've had to deal with, you'll forget about the bad completely.

Universal Truth Number Fourteen
Your heart belongs to someone you've yet to meet

There's no reason to worry, as Death Cab once said, someday you will be loved.

Isn't it About Time?

Boys are ridiculous. That in and of itself could be a universal truth.
Don't worry boys, girls are ridiculous as well.
Guys and girls are so often unwilling or unable to convey when they like someone... consequently guys and girls then have to play a guessing game to determine whether or not the person they like, likes them back.

But, never fear, I've found a universal truth to help combat how ridiculous boys and girls are.

Universal Truth Number Thirteen
Never waste your time on someone who doesn't have time for you.

If a guy or a girl doesn't care enough to ask you out, to text message you, or set up a time to hang out -- then he or she doesn't care enough.
Forget about him or her.
It's not necessarily an easy thing to do if feelings are involved, but it's necessary. Someone who's not willing to devote time to you, isn't worth your time.
As you move on, two different things will come of it,
1) He or she will do the same
(And you've lost nothing)
2) He or she will see that they're losing something important ...and will subsequently devote more time to both you and the relationship
(Giving better balance to your relationship)

There's nothing to fear if you apply this logic to your relationships -- it's a fantastic predictor of whether someone likes you, and how much.