Sunday, January 23, 2011

loving to learn

I've found perhaps the most important universal truth.
Universal Truth Number Forty-Two
Joy comes through understanding.

As you learn and then apply what you've learned to future endeavors, it makes you happier because it yields better outcomes.

I've been able to apply a lot, and will continue to look for life lessons to learn and apply.
With that, a promise I'll continue to observe life's lessons and muse on them, I leave you to your own devices.
I'm taking a leave of absence from college and everyday life -- subsequently I'll also be taking a leave of absence from this blog and sharing my musings.

Talk to you July 2012

With love,

College Girl

Saturday, January 1, 2011

The Latest Relationship Insights.

I try not to put too much of what's going on with me and my relationships within this blog.
Boys have come and gone. As a rule: I try not to post on who they are... or the relationship we had.... but what they taught me.

Let me give you a sort of chronological run-down:

There was this boy.
A boy that has been my friend for years.
This boy, that has been my friend, started to seem like he could be something more.

As he and I moved in that direction, I found out what things had changed, and what had not.
The facts were these:
I loved laughing with him. But another boy makes me laugh harder.
I love smiling with him. But another boy makes me smile more frequently.
I know I'm important to him, but I was more important to another boy.

I know this list is vague, and means nothing to the majority of you. Here's what it meant to me.

I can't be in a relationship unless I'm completely happy.
No one should settle for less in a legitimate relationship.
I want to marry someone who WOULD walk through Hell for me. Not just offer, or claim that he would.
(You know what they'd serve there? Deviled Eggs. (Joke courtesy of JD.))

I found myself being treated the same way by this guy that I've been treated in the past.
I was already feeling like a relationship wasn't going to happen... then I was being treated like neither myself nor my friendship was something he really valued.

I learned Universal Truth Number Forty-One
Actions don't speak louder than words, they have the entire say in a relationship.

It doesn't matter how nice or great a guy is.
Doesn't matter
-how often prettily he talks about you and your future with him
-how sweetly he can complement you
-how often he says he 'wishes he had more time for you'

If you're not being treated well in the relationship. If you're not given the time and attention you deserve. JUST WALK AWAY.

That last bit was in all caps because if I could, I would shout it slightly at you.
As girls, we all want to fix the situation.
You don't want someone to give you time and attention because you're always asking for it... and reminding them that you're important. I say this for two reasons:

1) If you have to ask for time and remind them that you deserve the time... you're not as important to them as you deserve to be.

2)It. Won't. Last.

Find someone who genuinely wants to give you time, because he enjoys time with you. Find someone who treats you like you deserve, because he loves the way you treat him.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The BIG 40

Let's speak candidly. I don't know what on earth I'm talking about.
I muse about life, and things that we can all identify (and hopefully) agree with. But when it comes right down to it, I believe in
Universal Truth Number Forty
You cannot claim to really have lived life... until you've felt lost.

I know... this truth is not going to be one that's universally agreed upon.
But here are my thoughts.
I've experienced, participated in, lived a lot of things. But living what I'm living right now... has made me really realize how beautiful life is.
Not because of the problems I'm dealing with. Not because I know the problems will make me a better and a stronger person (which, they will) ...but because in dealing with such turmoil, I know that someday I'll stop hurting.
I will not only stop hurting, stop feeling lost and confused, but will be legitimately happy.
And when that happens, when I'm no longer lost, confused, hurting, etc ...I'll be able to truly relish where I'm at.
If my happily ever after was as simple as falling in love and avoiding all the hard work that my life is now... well
1) I wouldn't be as ready to handle the future stresses life will hold
2)I wouldn't truly enjoy my happily ever after like I know that I will.

A ramble-riffic musing. But all true.

Monday, November 22, 2010


Maybe it's all the Thanking that I'm doing.
Maybe it's all the people thanking me.
I can't really be sure...

Regardless the reasons, I'm going to share this universal truth with you.
Universal Truth Number Thirty Nine
Sharing gratitude helps both you and those you're thanking.

Thanking someone
A) lets them know that what they're doing hasn't gone unnoticed
B) very often, helps people to continue doing what they're doing -- knowing it's appreciated
C) makes those you're thanking feel good
D) makes YOU feel good

Thanking someone gives you an opportunity to reflect on who you are, how those people have helped you become who you are, and the person you'd like to become.
It makes you more grateful.
It honestly just feels fantastic.

So moral of this blog post -- get out and thank someone today. That is all.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Musing a Direction

I have dozens and dozens of drafted musings.
I won't post them... because they're not yet resolved. I don't know what all the answers are, I just know a lot of the questions.

April of this year I mused the Following:

I can't really be sure, but I feel there's a point in almost every person's life in which they can see their future stretching out before them. They can see what lies ahead, if they just stay on the path they're currently on.

I experienced just that, or something akin to that. A moment when I saw two options, two paths, stretching out before me. The words of Robert Frost's "The Road Not Taken," floated through my mind. I sat staring both paths down - they were as clear to me as if they had been actual paths beneath my feet.
I saw husbands, careers, jobs, babies. Each different. Each beautiful in their own right.

It was a moment that just asked me to choose -- to continue down the path I was on, or to step onto another. I thought desperately, "Which is the path less traveled!? Which is the right choice?"

This remained saved as a draft because I didn't have the answers. I had
Universal Truth Number Thirty Eight
We all have a purpose.

But that's all that I had. The thirty-eighth universal truth... and a whole lot of questions.

Additionally, universal truth number thirty eight reminded me that there had to be more behind my decisions than just "being happy where I'm at."
I certainly was happy. I loved the boy I was dating. I loved everything about my life.
But I know, and I knew, that there's something bigger in store for me.
There is something in this life that I can accomplish that no one else can... because no one else on this planet is quite like me.

This is true for everyone. We all have a purpose. There is something wild and wonderful each of us can do with our lives... that no one else can.
And I wanted to know for sure... was I making the right decisions for my wild and wonderful one thing? Would I find my purpose? The one thing, the one person, the one difference I could make.

I still don't know what that one thing is.
But I KNOW that I'm on the right path. That the right decisions up until now have been made... as well as the next few to follow. So I'm sharing this with you now.
I hope it helps with your search for truth and personal purpose.
May you find your one great thing.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

A Tale of Two Truths

Here's a confession.
I love Harry Potter. A lot.

Here's another confession.
I feel like I've learned a lot from those books.

At the close of the Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Dumbledore taught Harry a universal truth.
I'm going to number it Universal Truth Thirty Six
It's our choices that determine who we are.

It's the decisions we make, big and small, on a day-to-day basis that determines who we are today; who we will be tomorrow; and who we'll have become a year from now.

That being said, another piece of children's literature taught me
Universal Truth Thirty Seven
If you don't know where you're going, it doesn't much matter which choices you make.

(The Cheshire cat taught this truth to Alice.)

Know the person you'd like to become. Know where you'd like life to take you.
It will back up the choices that you're making with direction and meaning.

If you don't have meaning backing your decisions, then just as the Cheshire cat taught us, they don't really matter.
You can become any person at all, if you don't have a preference on what type of person you'd like to become.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Learning from Trials and Errors

It's funny, at time life is everything you'd like to be... and then some.
Other times it's nothing you'd wish on even your worst enemy.

What really throws me off is when it's a mixture of both. Some moments are fantastic, fun, and everything I could want them to be... and just moments later, I'm miserable.

No, I don't have a mood disorder. I just got out of a relationship. And it sucks.
On the upside, the roller coaster that is life has taught me...
Universal Truth Number Thirty Five
Nothing in life is perfect.

Nothing in life is perfect, so stop expecting it to be.
If we're waiting for things to be perfect, and all our moments to be just what we want... then we'll never be happy.

Relish in the good moments, learn from those that are bad, and appreciate your life for what it is.