Monday, September 24, 2007

Universal Truth Number Four

Being shallow is painful.
What's that, you say? Your fourth universal truth is, Being Shallow is Painful!?!
Yes. Yes it is.
The other day I was walking to my Biology class, and nearly ran directly into some kid.
I wasn't watching where I was going. You know how some buildings are shiny... and you can see yourself in them?
Yeah, enough said. Vanity is pain, anyone with a similar experience can back me up with this one.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Two blogs in one night? Could life get any better? I submit that it could not.

Ok, that last post leads me into this one. I'm going to need everyones help here.
What ON EARTH do you do with a situation like my friends?
Boy likes you (presumably), you like the boy... but the relationship is stagnant. No one is going anywhere, and everyone's uncomfortable.
We all know what not to do. Don't talk to me about it if I haven't had enough sleep.
Seriously though. I don't understand boys, probably never will, so help me out here.
Is the girl supposed to...
A. Wait paitently hope that the boy does like her and will eventually own up to it
(personally I think that's pretty idiotic, the girl ignores all other boys while the guy
makes up his mind as to whether she's worth the trouble)
B. Move on, and find a boy who will talk about... dare I say the word... feelings
(Do those boys even exist?)
C. Find some other boy fast, to make the first guy jealous.
(There's the start of a healthy relationship)
D. Make the first move
E. Play for the other team.

While I'd love... and expect to hear your answers... I was kinda kidding.
The point of my writing this is to get us to Universal Truth Number Three,
as far as relationships are concerned,
If you don't ever go out on a limb, you won't ever plummet to the earth... but you won't get that apple you've had your eye on either.

Don't text while Drowsy

I was text messaging late last night, just chatting with a couple friends at about 12:00 at night... nothing out of the normal, except that I was unusually tired for it being so early.
One of the friends was a lovely girl who's unsure of how a guy feels about her, the other a long-time guy friend of mine.
I was discussing what she could do about her current situation, suggesting that she could throw her feelings out there.
The text I sent her read,
"Where are we exactly, we've been friends for a long time... and I never want that to change, but there's been something else there as well... I'm crazy about you. That doesn't mean things have to change, I like things as they are... but I just couldn't have it unstated any longer."
For those of you who know me at all, I'm sure you saw this one coming.
Yep. I didn't send it to the girl I was talking to, but mistakenly sent it to the boy.
I'm fairly certain his heart stopped cold out of sheer terror, what a thing to receive from a half-asleep freshman at one in the morning.
I hurriedly texted an explanation, before he could reply (Although, I'm not sure he would have- what do you even say to that!?!)
I stopped for a moment to regain my ability to intake oxygen, and to reflect on
Universal Truth Number Two
Drowsy Texting is Bad Texting

Friday, September 14, 2007

Life Changes, and that's Beautiful

I've been a little pensieve lately, perhaps it's all the time I've been spending in the library. (studying like crazy)
Through this thoughtfulness an idea has come to light. Things can't remain the same. Change is as certain as a bad hair day when it rains. Am I right here?

We all fight desperately not to change, to prevent ourselves and our surroundings from deviating from the norm. We don't venture outside what's normal because goodness knows what kind of pain lays for us out there. And even if we're suffering, at least the pain is familiar.
But the truth is, we do change. Not all at once, and not even very much. but we find that we have, and find ourselves thinking that this has to be the last time.
We hope that things can stay as they are forever, and we'll never have to change again.

These changes are what makes life unpredictable. At any given time, even in the near future, you never know who you'll be, what you'll be doing, or who you'll be doing it with. These changes are part of what makes life so beautiful, tying us snuggly back into universal truth number one.
Life is Beautiful.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Hello. Welcome to the truth as I see it.

Wow. There's a phrase guaranteed to scare 3/4 of the joe-nobodys on the street.
That; however, is the basic idea. I ramble as I do so well, and others say- woah, hold up- I may just have to pull my arm off (so I have something to hit you with.)

Alright. Here's my first universal truth.
Life is Beautiful.
More than a song, it's a cold hard fact. If we don't love what we're doing and where we're at, what's the point?
Change what you're doing, change your surroundings, change your attitude. It's as easy as that. What do we live for, if it's not to enjoy our beautiful lives and in turn, make our lives more beautiful.

You can never have too many shoes.
Enough said.