Thursday, December 24, 2009

The Dark Truth

I'm going to start this posting with
Universal Truth Twenty Seven

We are, each of us, a little broken.

Sounds too dark and morose? Either man up, princess, or stop reading.
I'm in no mood to sugar coat this truth.

Life is a bumpy ride, and at times the people around us are none too gentle. The way they treat us impacts who we are and how we will interact with others in the future.
For most people and most situations it simply means that they need to piece themselves together, repair said damage, and move on.
It's a dark and morose fact of life; we fix ourselves because we're broken, and cannot continue the way we are. We can't depend on other people to fix the damage that's been done.

My musing from this universal truth is one that continues still today. What do we do when we're broken, and can't seem to fix ourselves?
What do we do with our dysfunctions and fears?
Is the girl who's afraid of relationships supposed to cut them out of her life?
If a guy can't seem to trust, is his only option to stop trusting altogether?
When the damage done seems too deep and beyond repair, what are any of us supposed to do?

Friday, December 18, 2009


Maybe it's the time of the year.
(You know -- December -- the most wonderful time of the year)

Maybe it's the fact that school's out for a few weeks.

Maybe it's that I'm talking to you.

Whatever the reason, I can't help but think on how fantastic life is.
(after all, life IS beautiful)

Christmas cards
Holding hands in the snow
Dancing in the rain
Classes never being too hard, provided you're willing to devote the time to them
Notes of thanks
The smell of the first boy you loved
Sweet dreams
Eye contact with a cute stranger
Losing yourself in a good book
Finding the perfect present
Being truly surprised
Laughing until you cry
Finding yourself

Reads like a random compilation, but it was a list of all the things I was grateful for today; all the things that I could type in the space of thirty seconds that is.

It's that time of year, time for

Universal Truth Number Twenty Six
It's a Wonderful Life

Pause and reflect on the little things that have made your life beautiful today.
All the things that you've been grateful for this week, this month, this year.
For this year is almost over -- and you cannot let it pass you by, without you stopping to think on how yours is a wonderful life.

Monday, December 14, 2009


A few people have noticed that my last couple posts have a had a negative air about them.
Is that it? Has college life made me so jaded that even my musings have become dark?

Life changes, and that's beautiful. I wrote this two a little over two years ago.
Before I realized what changes life had in store for me, and before I realized just how beautiful life really is.
In two years time, my view of the truth has changed entirely. I once thought the world to be beautiful because, otherwise, what was the point? That we live each day to beautify who we are and to fall more in love with what we're doing.

I no longer see the world this way. Life is not some wonderland for us to skip merrily through. We cannot just choose to have lovely experiences, cannot just find the best in life.
Each of us will experience some darkness. There will be clouds overhead, and times where we have no umbrellas.
If life were beautiful in the way I described it two years ago -- I'd have summed up the rain with some cheesy analogy -- that you can share an umbrella with someone cute or find a tree.
In the world as I see it now, there is no umbrella, there are no trees. We are alone in an empty field, with nothing in sight to shield us from the rain.

Life is beautiful because we can get drenched and survive.
It's beautiful because no matter how dark and scary the storm, it cannot hurt us.
We can hurt because of the storm, we can cry because of the cold and pain that it causes us; but in the big scheme of things, it cannot touch us and that is beautiful.
We will wander home after getting drenched, where our mothers, boyfriends, sisters, friends will wrap us up in hypothetical blankets and soothe our aching, but still beating hearts.

There is nothing too dark, nothing too hard, nothing too dank and depressing for us to survive.
Push through the darkness long enough and you will emerge into the sunshine a far better, far stronger person ...with far better stories to tell at parties.

Universal Truth Number Twenty Four

Life is Beautiful. Regardless of darkness.