Monday, June 21, 2010


The universal truth I've discovered of late, is best summed up by a quote by Abraham Lincoln.
Universal Truth Number Thirty Two
In the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years.

I'm not certain of what I was doing a year ago today.
I am however certain of what this last year held.

Secret computer labs
Love notes and cardboard forts
Long letters to friends long gone
Pie and Pushing Daisies
The perfect hug
Meeting a guy who is, literally, straight out of my dreams
Dancing in the rain
Midnight walks in the snow
Tears shed and talking until sunrise
Learning to worry less
Lazy afternoons
Secret messages with hands clasped
Late nights and early mornings
Sharpie messages on my back and sharpie messages on his arms
Giant I-SPY's
Slumber parties and movie marathons
Halloween costumes and perfect Christmas presents
Knowing it couldn't be possible for me to be worse at mini golf, and
finding I couldn't care less
Perfect moments and new favorite movies
The beginning of something beautiful.

Any bump or snag this last year, has long been forgotten.
That's not to say that nothing bad happened. That's not to say that I didn't become a better person because of the bad.
The opposite is true. Nothing is perfect, not even what I'd describe as the perfect year.
But I can look back at the bad... and know it wasn't so bad at all. Problems were small, no matter how large I made them out to be in my mind. Issues, worries helped me to grow and become a better me.
Because, you see, Life is Beautiful.

The idea that life is beautiful is nothing new.
It's a truth you'll see throughout this blog.
I stand by this claim.
There can be nothing more beautiful than this last year. And nothing more lovely has ever happened to me.
I look forward to beautiful years to come, and to using the thirty-second universal truth; cramming as much life into those years as possible.