I have this amazing friend, who is always building other people up and trying to make them feel amazing. He's one of those really great kids that everyone likes, and everyone wants to be like him. Including me.
He's off to Australia to help people in the most amazing way possible. By sacrificing two years of his life, and serving an LDS mission.
It's that snot (and I call him that affectionately) who has inspiredUniversal Truth Number Nine
If people made an effort (that's it, just a small effort) to be kinder, better, less hurtful- think of what the world would be like.
Something as small as saying something kind when you were going to say something hurtful would change the world. We can change the world one person, and one phrase at a time.
Good 'ol snot is changing the world,starting a revolution, one person and one comment at a time-
I'm certain he'll continue do this in Australia... and I'm so glad he was around long enough to teach me this principle by example.
So go ahead everyone, be a snot. Start a revolution.