Tuesday, June 2, 2009

life IS beautiful

The past few weeks have been nothing to post about -- all the new things I've done and tried have taught me zero new universal truths.
That vacuum of new truths, however; taught me a truth that we all should know. (ironic, eh?)

My Dad had a recent health scare, which started me looking at life and each day in a different light. After the previously mentioned new light, came the everyday moments that I thought I was learning nothing from. Via that new light, and the vacuum of new knowledge, came

Universal Truth Number Eighteen
A life can pass unlived.

That sounds like a rather negative universal truth, but allow me to explain before you shut off your CPU and write off my blog entirely.
A life can be unlived. Days, weeks, years can pass without you taking notice or appreciating the potential that they hold.
We should be singing praises for the speeding ticket we have not yet received and never knew we narrowly escaped, we should smile at the dishes in the sink because someone we love is there to dirty them, and we should stop measuring each day in minutes that have to be endured and days that can be crossed off the calendar.
Our life shouldn't just be endured to the best of our ability. It should be embraced with the best of our passion.

Stop measuring life in minutes and waiting responsibilities.
Start measuring it in heartbeats and moments.

1 comment:

Hailey said...

That is beautiful!