Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The BIG 40

Let's speak candidly. I don't know what on earth I'm talking about.
I muse about life, and things that we can all identify (and hopefully) agree with. But when it comes right down to it, I believe in
Universal Truth Number Forty
You cannot claim to really have lived life... until you've felt lost.

I know... this truth is not going to be one that's universally agreed upon.
But here are my thoughts.
I've experienced, participated in, lived a lot of things. But living what I'm living right now... has made me really realize how beautiful life is.
Not because of the problems I'm dealing with. Not because I know the problems will make me a better and a stronger person (which, they will) ...but because in dealing with such turmoil, I know that someday I'll stop hurting.
I will not only stop hurting, stop feeling lost and confused, but will be legitimately happy.
And when that happens, when I'm no longer lost, confused, hurting, etc ...I'll be able to truly relish where I'm at.
If my happily ever after was as simple as falling in love and avoiding all the hard work that my life is now... well
1) I wouldn't be as ready to handle the future stresses life will hold
2)I wouldn't truly enjoy my happily ever after like I know that I will.

A ramble-riffic musing. But all true.

Monday, November 22, 2010


Maybe it's all the Thanking that I'm doing.
Maybe it's all the people thanking me.
I can't really be sure...

Regardless the reasons, I'm going to share this universal truth with you.
Universal Truth Number Thirty Nine
Sharing gratitude helps both you and those you're thanking.

Thanking someone
A) lets them know that what they're doing hasn't gone unnoticed
B) very often, helps people to continue doing what they're doing -- knowing it's appreciated
C) makes those you're thanking feel good
D) makes YOU feel good

Thanking someone gives you an opportunity to reflect on who you are, how those people have helped you become who you are, and the person you'd like to become.
It makes you more grateful.
It honestly just feels fantastic.

So moral of this blog post -- get out and thank someone today. That is all.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Musing a Direction

I have dozens and dozens of drafted musings.
I won't post them... because they're not yet resolved. I don't know what all the answers are, I just know a lot of the questions.

April of this year I mused the Following:

I can't really be sure, but I feel there's a point in almost every person's life in which they can see their future stretching out before them. They can see what lies ahead, if they just stay on the path they're currently on.

I experienced just that, or something akin to that. A moment when I saw two options, two paths, stretching out before me. The words of Robert Frost's "The Road Not Taken," floated through my mind. I sat staring both paths down - they were as clear to me as if they had been actual paths beneath my feet.
I saw husbands, careers, jobs, babies. Each different. Each beautiful in their own right.

It was a moment that just asked me to choose -- to continue down the path I was on, or to step onto another. I thought desperately, "Which is the path less traveled!? Which is the right choice?"

This remained saved as a draft because I didn't have the answers. I had
Universal Truth Number Thirty Eight
We all have a purpose.

But that's all that I had. The thirty-eighth universal truth... and a whole lot of questions.

Additionally, universal truth number thirty eight reminded me that there had to be more behind my decisions than just "being happy where I'm at."
I certainly was happy. I loved the boy I was dating. I loved everything about my life.
But I know, and I knew, that there's something bigger in store for me.
There is something in this life that I can accomplish that no one else can... because no one else on this planet is quite like me.

This is true for everyone. We all have a purpose. There is something wild and wonderful each of us can do with our lives... that no one else can.
And I wanted to know for sure... was I making the right decisions for my wild and wonderful one thing? Would I find my purpose? The one thing, the one person, the one difference I could make.

I still don't know what that one thing is.
But I KNOW that I'm on the right path. That the right decisions up until now have been made... as well as the next few to follow. So I'm sharing this with you now.
I hope it helps with your search for truth and personal purpose.
May you find your one great thing.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

A Tale of Two Truths

Here's a confession.
I love Harry Potter. A lot.

Here's another confession.
I feel like I've learned a lot from those books.

At the close of the Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Dumbledore taught Harry a universal truth.
I'm going to number it Universal Truth Thirty Six
It's our choices that determine who we are.

It's the decisions we make, big and small, on a day-to-day basis that determines who we are today; who we will be tomorrow; and who we'll have become a year from now.

That being said, another piece of children's literature taught me
Universal Truth Thirty Seven
If you don't know where you're going, it doesn't much matter which choices you make.

(The Cheshire cat taught this truth to Alice.)

Know the person you'd like to become. Know where you'd like life to take you.
It will back up the choices that you're making with direction and meaning.

If you don't have meaning backing your decisions, then just as the Cheshire cat taught us, they don't really matter.
You can become any person at all, if you don't have a preference on what type of person you'd like to become.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Learning from Trials and Errors

It's funny, at time life is everything you'd like to be... and then some.
Other times it's nothing you'd wish on even your worst enemy.

What really throws me off is when it's a mixture of both. Some moments are fantastic, fun, and everything I could want them to be... and just moments later, I'm miserable.

No, I don't have a mood disorder. I just got out of a relationship. And it sucks.
On the upside, the roller coaster that is life has taught me...
Universal Truth Number Thirty Five
Nothing in life is perfect.

Nothing in life is perfect, so stop expecting it to be.
If we're waiting for things to be perfect, and all our moments to be just what we want... then we'll never be happy.

Relish in the good moments, learn from those that are bad, and appreciate your life for what it is.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Truth that Needs Little Explanation

Care to know how what I've been up to for the last hour and a half?



I've been proving Universal Truth Number Thirty Four
There's little more addicting than Tetris.

I feel like little to no more explanation is required.
Also, I'd really like to get back to playing.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

What is Love? (baby don't hurt me)

Today I was told that love is the most overused four letter word in the English language.
I love cheese.
I love sleeping in.
I love spending time with you.

Love is more than something you enjoy doing, more than a preference.
But what is love?
Can you claim love when you've claimed it dozens of times before? Can you claim it when you cannot define it, can't explain what it means when you say it?

Can you claim it at all? Does it even exist?

I'm scared of love. Not of loving someone, but of not knowing for sure what love is. I feel I have a definite hold on it... then a family member, boy, friend will throw something into the mix that I hadn't previously considered.
If I cannot define love, does it exist? Is it more than a feeling? Is what you experience and call love different with every person you experience it with?

If so, who has decided to make love this all-encompassing, all-inclusive term.
Let me tell you what I know and believe about love, starting with:

Universal Truth Number Thirty Three
Love is treated too lightly

That's not to say that we take love too lightly when we show it for our fellow man. Just that we should recognize that it's kindness and compassion we're showing. Not love.

Love is the glue that holds you to your family, and endears your family to you, when nothing else does.
Love is the power that makes good friends, great. Because, when you love someone, you put their needs before your own.

More than that, being IN love is a combination of chemistry and electricity between two people who love each other like they love both their family and their best friends. Nothing less.

Love isn't the attraction or butterflies that describe lust.
Love isn't the connection between two teenagers who hold hands in the halls of the local high school.
Love isn't what you feel when you kiss someone, or are kissed.
Love is more than just caring about someone, or wanting to have someone in your life.

Love is more than that. And all of that.

It's running to kill the spider when she's standing on the couch.
It's moving plans around so you can spend the afternoon with him.
It's doing something inconvenient, and doing it willingly; because she has plans but still wants to road-trip with you, because he has to get packed within the hour, because this was something that she or he had always wanted.

Being in love with someone means that you would walk through hell itself, if it meant keeping that person beside you. Anyone thinking less is kidding themselves.

Love is more than just a strong regard or feeling. It's a set of feeling that are so overwhelming you worry if any one person should be allowed to feel all of this happiness, this excitement, this peace and contentment all at once.
And you worry because as much as you thought you couldn't love that person more, you wake up the next day to find yourself proven entirely wrong.

THAT is love. That's part of what it means to be in love.
I can't define it. Can't describe it any better.

But you'd better believe I can tell the world at large they're using the word too often. And that they're using it wrong.
Love means something. Unless you're willing to imply all of the above when you say, "I love you," think twice before those three words escape your lips.

Monday, June 21, 2010


The universal truth I've discovered of late, is best summed up by a quote by Abraham Lincoln.
Universal Truth Number Thirty Two
In the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years.

I'm not certain of what I was doing a year ago today.
I am however certain of what this last year held.

Secret computer labs
Love notes and cardboard forts
Long letters to friends long gone
Pie and Pushing Daisies
The perfect hug
Meeting a guy who is, literally, straight out of my dreams
Dancing in the rain
Midnight walks in the snow
Tears shed and talking until sunrise
Learning to worry less
Lazy afternoons
Secret messages with hands clasped
Late nights and early mornings
Sharpie messages on my back and sharpie messages on his arms
Giant I-SPY's
Slumber parties and movie marathons
Halloween costumes and perfect Christmas presents
Knowing it couldn't be possible for me to be worse at mini golf, and
finding I couldn't care less
Perfect moments and new favorite movies
The beginning of something beautiful.

Any bump or snag this last year, has long been forgotten.
That's not to say that nothing bad happened. That's not to say that I didn't become a better person because of the bad.
The opposite is true. Nothing is perfect, not even what I'd describe as the perfect year.
But I can look back at the bad... and know it wasn't so bad at all. Problems were small, no matter how large I made them out to be in my mind. Issues, worries helped me to grow and become a better me.
Because, you see, Life is Beautiful.

The idea that life is beautiful is nothing new.
It's a truth you'll see throughout this blog.
I stand by this claim.
There can be nothing more beautiful than this last year. And nothing more lovely has ever happened to me.
I look forward to beautiful years to come, and to using the thirty-second universal truth; cramming as much life into those years as possible.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Sunshine. Blessed Sunshine.

It's summer.

That means it's time for
Universal Truth Number Thirty One
Sunshine + Lazy Days = The Perfect Summer

I started making a list of things that I wanted to do with my lazy summer days.
Side walk chalk murals
Lemonade in the shade
Naps in the grass
Learning to longboard
Feeding the ducks at the local park

As my list began to grow, I began to laugh at myself. Only I could complicate something as wonderful and carefree as summer with a mess of planning.

So if you'll excuse me, I'm off to do some wonderful, unplanned nothing.
Talk to you in a month or two.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Single At Thirty

There's something to be said for being single.*
For making plans, and knowing they're going to be kept -- because you're the only one you're making them for.

There's something to be said for knowing that you truly are having the most fun possible -- because you have your pick of parties, guys, and activities.
For everyone around you offering up their plans on a silver platter, and all you need do, is pick.

There's something to be said for other people having a plan -- because it sucks to be the only person with one.

There's something to be said for knowing absolutely anything is possible.
Want to marry the best looking guy on campus? Just find him.
Want to mack it with a guy from every county? Just drop what you're doing and hop in the car.
Want to be happy? Just do whatever it is that makes you so.

It's as simple as that.
There's no one to stop you. No one to stand in your way.

Universal Truth Number Thirty
Girls just want to have fun... so that's exactly what they should be having.

And for every single girl out there, who thinks her life is no fun, I'm offering you the solution.... A good smack upside the head.
Get out there and have fun. The only person stopping your own happiness is yourself.

* I can write this without hesitation because I can also write; "there's something to be said for being in a relationship."
So don't start grumbling if you ARE in a relationship and cannot believe the things I'm writing.
I'm in a committed relationship, and would not change that for anything. Not because it's a relationship -- but because I'm in a relationship with someone who makes me feel like absolutely anything is possible, makes it so I don't want to kiss a guy in every county but rather makes me want to kiss him in every county, lets me know I could marry the best looking guy on campus. (Because I'm currently dating him.)
I'm writing this because I want girls to recognize the thirtieth universal truth. That they don't need to be in a relationship just to be in a relationship, or to have fun -- they can have fun regardless and will be in a relationship when the right guy happens along or when they find him.

Monday, March 8, 2010

The Truth to be Ignored

One thing you may have noticed about me --
I do a lot of thinking.
Recently it has been on who I am, not only to myself, but to other people.

I am happily an individual. I do what it is that I want to do, because I want to be who it is that I want to be -- not who other people want me to be.
This has never posed a problem for me before. People like me for me, and my world is a lovely place. But these last few weeks I've encountered
Universal Truth Number Twenty Nine
People have expectations.

Others want you to be thin, smart, beautiful, funny, entertaining. They want you to have all the answers, be present at every function, and have an opinion on every action.

I've become someone that people think they can expect certain things from. This worries me. I'm not the expected. I'll never look like your perfect ex, I'll never be the ideal role model and employee, I won't ever fit into that mold that the world wants me to fit in, and I can't ever pretend that's a problem.
I am who I am. Nothing more, and absolutely nothing less.

I hope that each of you can stand up and say that. That you won't stand by and be labeled. That you won't your friends, your coworkers, your classmates assign you a stereotype and box that you're expected to fit into.
Be your own person, care nothing for the restraints that the twenty-ninth universal truth puts on you. You are your own person. Who cares what every other person expects from you.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Fairy Tale Ending

Once upon a time there was a lovely princess. More than being lovely, she was also very wise. you see, rather than being a damsel in distress, she was aware of who she was ...what she was capable of... and the fact that she didn't need to worry -- princesses always get their happy endings.

Despite her beauty and sagacity, she still found herself fretting. She knew that happily ever afters were possible for any princess who worked in the right direction. But she questioned...
Was she headed in the right direction?
Was she making all the right decisions?
Was she working hard enough?
These were all questions weighing heavily on her mind.

She knew what she ultimately wanted out of life, but was that enough? She was well acquainted with
Universal Truth Number Twenty Eight

Nothing is accomplished by simply waiting for things to come to pass.

The princess had so many people she loved, and so many things she adored in her life ...how to make the best of it? How to find her happy ending?

You're curious now, aren't you? How will this princess find her happy ending? What will her happy ending be? Truth be told, she doesn't know either. But she has figured out how to find her happy ending. Live life. Live it to the fullest.
The lovely princess realized that if she had her priorities in order, taking care of and chasing after everything in that order ...everything will work out for the best.
Happy ending? ...check.